Blanche Neige
“Blanche Neige” is performance piece from France,
created by Catherine Baÿ in 2002, traveling the first time to Asia to be presented at Tokyo Midtown. A lifesize installation with multiple appearances of real Snow Whites performing a Tokyo Midtown version of “Le Banquet.” Originally presented in 2010 for one week at the Centre Pompidou in Paris by a dozen Snow Whites, the performance introduces a new factor of their movement: the act of eating, a symbol of consumptive culture.
Composed and staged by: Catherine Baÿ.
Produced by: Association du 41
Organized by: Institut fran.ais du Japon – Tokyo, Tokyo Midtown
Sa 19:00–5:00
A special program at Tokyo Midtown Atrium from 19:00
Various places in Tokyo Midtown